
Best Lighting for Your Gaming Room in 2024

Gaming lighting has expanded from RGB keyboards and mice to more vibrant LED lamps, monitor backlighting, and wall-mounted panels. Today, countless types of smart lighting turn previously drab gaming rooms into spaces that come alive with millions of pulsating colors and patterns. The challenge with RGB lighting configurations is syncing devices from different manufacturers to work in unison. Once coordinated, the best gaming room lighting will enhance setups with visuals that match recent cutting-edge titles.

Gaming room lights are often more expensive than traditional bulbs and lamps. The costs can quickly become overwhelming when assembling an entire array of RGB lights. To prioritize the options that can most effectively transform a gaming space, consider what part of a room needs the most attention. Smart light bulbs and lamps are practical lighting that can placed in multiple locations to provide essential illumination. Other lights have more specific applications on the backs of gaming monitors to cast softer but still impactful effects. Also, buyers should ensure that any existing smart home speakers and hubs from Google Home or Alexa can communicate with new lights.

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